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Privacy Policy

Our promises

We’ll always keep your data safe and secure.
So you’re clued up, here’s why we need it and how we use it.

1. The good stuff

We only use your data to improve your experience.

2. Locked down

We’ll protect your data like it’s our own.

3. Straight talking

We’ll always talk your language and have your back – no nonsense, no surprises.

4. Just the essentials

Your info won’t just hang about – if we don’t need it, we’ll delete.


Protecting Your Privacy

At Geo Computers, we are 100% committed to protecting the privacy and security of customers and site visitors (yep, we mean you). The Geo team members are customers themselves, of both Geo and other internet sites – so we totally appreciate and respect how important your privacy is. If you have any questions about how we Protect Your Privacy, drop us a line at [email protected]

For all our services, the data controller – the company that is responsible for your privacy – is Tactus Limited. Our registered address is Building 1, Olympic Park, Olympic Way, Warrington, Cheshire, WA2 0YL.

Navigating this page

  • How we use your information
  • Sharing your information
  • Marketing messages
  • Seeing adverts for
  • Your information and countries outside Europe
  • Keeping your information
  • Your rights
  • Changes to how we protect your privacy
  • Cookies
  • How to contact us

How we use your information

We use your information in a number of different ways — what we do depends on the information. The tables below set this out in detail, showing what we do, and why we do it.


Your name and contact details

How we use your name & contact details Why?
Deliver your purchases to you We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you (it’s a bit hard to send your order if we don’t use your name and contact details!)
Send you service messages by text or e-mail, such as order updates We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you (so you can tell when your order is coming)
Sending you information by email, SMS, or post, about our new products, offers and services To keep you up to date about products, services and offers you may be interested in.
Fraud prevention and detection To prevent and detect fraud against either you or Geo– unfortunate, but absolutely essential
Showing you adverts as your browse the web So you can see our latest products and deals
Finding out what you, and other customers, like To ensure we are giving you what you want, and to stay ahead of the competition

Your date of birth information

How do we use your date of birth Why?
Fraud prevention and detection To prevent and detect fraud against either you or Geo – unfortunate, but absolutely essential

Your contact history with us

What you’ve said to us – for example, over the phone, on email, or on social media.

How do we use your contact history Why?
Provide customer service and support We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you, after all, you expect the best service from us
Train our staff So that, when you contact us, you get the best possible customer service

Purchase history and saved items

What you’ve bought and what you’ve stored in your basket for another time.

How do we use your purchase history and saved items Why?
Sell you things We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you – if you can’t put stuff into a basket you can’t buy it!
Provide customer service and support, and handle returns We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you
Finding out what you, and other customers like To ensure we are giving you what you want, and to stay ahead of the competition

Information about your phone or laptop, and how you use our website

Information you give us when you browse our site, including your IP address, location data and device type, as well as how you use our website.

How we use information about your phone or laptop, and how you use our website Why?
Improve our website and set default options for you (such as language and currency) To give you the best possible shopping experience
Protect our website To prevent and detect fraud against either you or Geo – unfortunate, but absolutely essential — and to meet our legal obligations about looking after your data

Your response to surveys, competitions and promotions

How we use your responses to surveys, competitions and promotions Why?
Run the survey, competition or promotion We’ve got to do this to perform our contract with you — if we can’t use your entry, you can’t possibly win!

You don’t have to give us any of this personal information but if you don’t, you may not be able to buy from the site, and you are unlikely to receive our optimal overall customer experience. But that is your choice – and we respect that.

We also anonymise and aggregate personal information (so that it does not identify you) and use it for purposes including testing our IT systems, research, data analysis, improving our site, and developing new products and services. We also share this information with third parties.


On what basis are we entitled to process your data?

We will only use your personal data when the law allows us to. Data protection law sets out a number of different legal grounds upon which data controllers can legally process personal data. The table below sets out these legal grounds and some examples of how we rely on them.

Legal basis How we rely on it
To take steps at your request before entering into a contract with you or because the processing is necessary to perform our contract with you Processing and delivering your order, providing you with customer services support.
Consent For example, you have expressly signed up to receive a newsletter.
Legitimate interests o   developing our products and growing our business

o   carrying out data analytics to help us predict future market trends and customer behaviour

o   to improve our Site and your experience of using it

o   to understand the types of products that you are interested in

o   to develop our business and inform our marketing strategy

o   to run our business, administer our Site and ensure its security

o   to prevent fraudulent purchases on our Site

o   to improve service quality and compliance.

The processing is necessary to comply with our legal obligations, a court order or to exercise or defend legal claims If, for example, we were required to disclose information under a Court Order.


In accordance with data protection law, we make sure we consider and balance any potential impact on you and your rights before we process your data for our legitimate interests. If the potential impact on you and your rights overrides our legitimate interests, we will not process your data, unless we are able to do so using a different legal basis.

Sharing your information

We do not, and will not, sell any of your personal data to any third party – including your name, address, email address or credit card information. We want to earn and maintain your trust, and we believe this is absolutely essential in order do that.

However, we share your data with the following categories of companies as an essential part of being able to provide our services to you, as set out in this statement:

  • Other companies in the Tactus Group
  • Companies that do things to get your purchases to you, such as payment service providers, warehouses, order packers, and delivery companies
  • Our authorised repairer
  • Professional service providers, such as marketing agencies, email marketing providers, advertising partners and website hosts, who help us run our business
  • Credit reference agencies, law enforcement and fraud prevention agencies, so we can help tackle fraud

We may provide third parties with aggregated but anonymised information and analytics about our customers and, before we do so, we will make sure that it does not identify you.


Transferring your data outside the UK

Some of our external third party suppliers or service providers are based outside of the UK, so their processing of your personal data may involve a transfer of data outside the UK.

Whenever we transfer your personal data out of the UK, we ensure a similar degree of protection is afforded to it by ensuring at least one of the following safeguards is implemented:

  • We will only transfer your personal data to countries that have been deemed to provide an adequate level of protection for personal data.
  • Where we use certain service providers, we may use specific contracts approved for use in the UK which give personal data the same protection it has in the UK.

Please contact us if you want further information on the specific mechanism used by us when transferring your personal data out of the UK.

Marketing messages

We’ll send you marketing messages by email or text, to keep you aware of what we’re up to and to help you see and find our products.

How to stop marketing messages from

You can stop receiving marketing messages from us at any time.

You can do this:

  • Through your account settings
  • By clicking on the ‘unsubscribe’ link in any email
  • By contacting the Help Centre
  • Once you do this, we will update your profile to ensure that you don’t receive further marketing messages.

Please note that it might take a few days for all our systems to be updated, so you might get messages from us while we process your request.

Stopping marketing messages will not stop service communications (such as order updates or where you have expressed an interest).

Seeing adverts for online

We also engage in online advertising, also to keep you aware of what we’re up to and to help you see and find our products.

Like many companies, we target Geo banners and ads to you when you are on other websites and apps. We do this using a variety of digital marketing networks and ad exchanges, and we use a range of advertising technologies like web beacons, pixels, ad tags, cookies, and mobile identifiers, as well as specific services offered by some sites and social networks, such as Facebook’s Custom Audience service.

The banners and ads you see will be based on information we hold about you, or your previous use of Geo (for example, your Geo search history, and the content you read on Geo) or on Geo banners or ads you have previously clicked on.

Keeping your information

We’ll hold on to your information for as long as you have your account, or as long as is needed to be able to provide the services to you, or (in the case of any contact you may have with our Help Centre) for as long as is necessary to provide support-related reporting and trend analysis only.

If reasonably necessary or required to meet legal or regulatory requirements, resolve disputes, prevent fraud and abuse, or enforce our terms and conditions, we may also keep hold of some of your information as required, even after you have closed your account or it is no longer needed to provide the services to you.

Your rights

You have a lot of rights relating to your personal information:

  • The right to be informed about how your personal information is being used (like this notice!)
  • The right to access the personal information we hold about you
  • The right to request the correction of inaccurate personal information we hold about you
  • The right to request that we delete your data, or stop processing it or collecting it, in some circumstances
  • The right to stop direct marketing messages, and to withdraw consent for other consent-based processing at any time
  • The right to request that we transfer or port elements of your data either to you or another service provider
  • The right to complain to your data protection regulator — in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office

If you want to exercise your rights, have a complaint, or just have questions, please contact us.

Changes to how we protect your privacy

We may change this page from time to time, to reflect how we are processing your data.

If we make significant changes, we will make that clear on the Geo website or by some other means of contact such as email, so that you are able to review the changes before you continue to use


We use cookies on our website. For more information on cookies, please see our Cookie Policy.

How to contact us

We always want to hear from our customers (especially if you feel we’ve let you down or could do better).

If you:

  • Have any questions or feedback about this notice
  • Would like us to stop using your information
  • Want to exercise any of your rights as set out above, or have a complaint

please don’t hesitate to contact our Help Centre, who will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

You can contact our privacy team by dropping us a line at [email protected]. Or, if you’d like to, you can write to us at:

Geo Computers
Building 1
Olympic Park
Olympic Way

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